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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Playing in America!

This is one of my kiddos that I take care of in America. She is the most beautiful child. All the Chinese gasp when they see her and I stood amazed at her porcelain features. She has the most clear skin and delicate facial structure! Truly beautiful! Unfourtunatly she seems very sad. I was glad to catch her smiling.
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

2 year up-date!

Wow I just realized I haven't posted on here in forever! I'm on Facebook an auful lot now since it is easier to use. I'm still working with Chinese kids full time in the US. I still want to go back to China as soon as possible!

The Olympics are in 2 days!! Can't wait to see that on TV. Hopefully in 2009 I can take my next trip to move there for the summer!

Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't up-dated in forever!