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Thursday, September 29, 2011

This, my bloggity friends, is Josiah. Josiah is a very special little guy I met when I was in China visiting Harmony House in Lang Fang. I fell in love with him and was overjoyed to hear he had a family waiting for him in America. Josiah is such a smart little guy, no mental handicap, just physically, his arms don't work even though they are there, and he scoots around on his legs remarkably well. I noticed him because of his smile but also because I told the babies to stand up, and he couldn't. He just sat there smiling up at me with a twinkle in his eye. I tried to teach a quick song, but the attention just wasn't there. We gave up, but Josiah asked me to hold him. So I did and couldn't put him down for 6 hours. He was so cute and kept telling me stories in Chinese and stuff he knew in English.

Here he is, all "growed" up, a few months ago in China.

And here he was last year when I met him!
His adorable face hasn't changed at all, but he has grown up quickly.

On Monday I'm leaving to meet his adopting parents in Iowa, to hang out with them for a few days and play with their two daughters, Paris and Paige, 9 and 11. On Thursday, October 6th our journey begins!

Check back soon, on Saturday of next week I will have him in my arms again! hopefully I will be able to post the video, pictures and story of Gotcha Day in BJ!