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Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm off!

Hello All!!
I'm off. Mom and Dad and I are now in some hotel near the airport in Atlanta GA. I'm all set to fly to Dallas around 8:00am or so and YWAM-ers tell me I'll be able to find them at the baggage section. I am so stinkin excited!!!! Tonight all my little Chinese babies said goodbye to me and lined up so they could all get hugs and kisses. I almost cried, but I feel such a peace that this is God's plan for my life and I'm doing the right thing. I'm planing on putting pieces of the book (in here) that mom and I are writing about my amazing "God's Plan" journey. It is shaping up to be an incredible story and I feel like it's just begining! I've had a lady helping me to write and edit the book and we are calling it China Hope, I think.Wow, I should probably go to bed now! More to come! I'll be in Tyler TX on my next post!!!!
~ ME

Sunday, September 10, 2006

First Post

Wow! God is Good! Today I received all my money I need for YWAM! I can't believe it! The deadline was coming up (September 24th) and I was getting a little nervous, but still trusting in God to provide. In the past He has continually provided for me so I knew that He would again, if this was in His Will. Sure enough, I went to fellowship today, and gave a presentation about where I'm going and what I'll be doing while there, and at the end they gave me a check with the final amount!!! Whoa, I'm on a high! Also, three different people e-mailed me notices and encouraging notes about how they love and support me, and that there is more money on the way!!! WAHHOOOOO, (Sara, that was for you!)
More to come....!!!