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Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm off!

Hello All!!
I'm off. Mom and Dad and I are now in some hotel near the airport in Atlanta GA. I'm all set to fly to Dallas around 8:00am or so and YWAM-ers tell me I'll be able to find them at the baggage section. I am so stinkin excited!!!! Tonight all my little Chinese babies said goodbye to me and lined up so they could all get hugs and kisses. I almost cried, but I feel such a peace that this is God's plan for my life and I'm doing the right thing. I'm planing on putting pieces of the book (in here) that mom and I are writing about my amazing "God's Plan" journey. It is shaping up to be an incredible story and I feel like it's just begining! I've had a lady helping me to write and edit the book and we are calling it China Hope, I think.Wow, I should probably go to bed now! More to come! I'll be in Tyler TX on my next post!!!!
~ ME

1 comment:

Bamma said...

HI Christina..
Well this is my second message. Had to get an account "name" but don't think I did it right. Tough to be old!
Hope this goes throug..
God is watching you...and I am with you in spirit.
I love you, Bamma