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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Home for Christmas

Well! I'm home for Christmas vacation!!!! It's so nice to sleep in my own bed and eat my own food whenever I want to. I missed my Chinese kids so much. When I got off the plane and went to the baggage claim, I saw them as I came down the escalator. They didn't even recognize me at first then I hugged them and spoke to them in Chinese and they perked up. One of the boys took intense pleasure in yanking my 26 pound bag off the conveyor belt and on top of himself. Mom and I chatted and reminisced over their heads as we waited for my other bag and finally my very shy Hanna raised her arms for me to hold her. I kept hugging her so tight and we giggled together in Chinese saying silly things. She held so tight until we got outside to the van then she wiggled to get down. As we drove to the church for the International Christmas party, the kids were very quiet and kept looking up to see if I really was still there. We all piled into the church and met up with my two original Chinese students and their parents. The kids squealed and ran right into my arms laughing and holding onto me like they would never let go. I went inside and met up with one of my best friends, ate supper quickly, practiced the sign language/dance thing I was to preform in and then walked into the sanctuary. I joked around with John who was in such a funny mood (he had everyone laughing at his antics that day) and slowly my other Chinese kids came up to my table where I was waiting to preform. Each one came and sat in my lap and waited for me to notice them. I hugged each one and teased them in Chinese and they laughed so loud Dad kept telling us to keep it down while other people were preforming. Tongtong couldn't let go of me she kept right close to me the entire time. I told the group of kids I had to go preform now and get ready to dance and they followed me to sit down with the other dancers.

After my performance I sat down with the kids again and then we went with them up to their classrooms. I sat down and Tongtong crawled into my lap to do her craft. We spoke in Chinese the whole time even though she speaks perfect English now. Her little sister is the only casualty of my absence, seeing as she is almost one now and before I left she was just starting to walk. She doesn't recognize me at all. She screamed when I tried to pick her up so I sent her back to her mom.

I am off on Dec 30th to tour across America with a team of 29 people and a 5 month old baby. I am mentally and physically preparing myself for this intense journey of 9 hours in the 15 passenger vans per day sometimes. I might encounter many Chinese along the way, I'm hoping so that I can practice and not get rusty.

That's all for now!
~ ME

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Two month up-date

Hello everyone!
Sorry i haven't posted in awhile. I've been extrememly busy. We are now preparing for out-reach to the USA!!! I thought I was going to China again but the school prayed over the decision and felt led elsewhere. The fire in my heart still burns just as brightly for Chinese children, but for the moment He has called me to the USA to minister to youth of our nation. We will be rasing awareness about having youth praying for our country and missions work here and to all the world. My primary focus seems to be young girls who are unsure of relationships because of past hurts by a male father figure in their lives. I don't know why I feel led to those girls because I had such awesome parents that took care of me and loved me like. But, like the book says, We can give love because of the love He gives us (MIV= my international version!!.) Well, I'll hopefully post more on this soon! Love you all