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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Two month up-date

Hello everyone!
Sorry i haven't posted in awhile. I've been extrememly busy. We are now preparing for out-reach to the USA!!! I thought I was going to China again but the school prayed over the decision and felt led elsewhere. The fire in my heart still burns just as brightly for Chinese children, but for the moment He has called me to the USA to minister to youth of our nation. We will be rasing awareness about having youth praying for our country and missions work here and to all the world. My primary focus seems to be young girls who are unsure of relationships because of past hurts by a male father figure in their lives. I don't know why I feel led to those girls because I had such awesome parents that took care of me and loved me like. But, like the book says, We can give love because of the love He gives us (MIV= my international version!!.) Well, I'll hopefully post more on this soon! Love you all

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