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Monday, October 02, 2006

I'm Here!!!

Here at last!

Well, last night was one crazy night!!! I got on my first flight into Dallas which was okay and every thing. I met this really cute little two-year-old kid in the waiting area with his mom. They were going to his grandparents house in Dallas. We chatted for a while and he kept looking up at me like he knew me. I showed him some pictures and assured the mother that I work with children full-time and that is why he seemed so familiar with me. We boarded and I felt very comfortable th everything. I remember boarding so many other planes and airports that I started to get really excited about this new adventure.

6:30am Eastern time: bye to mom and dad, check flight: hurricane, not stopped from coming in.

7:45am E time
: get on flight and feel really excited about new adventure!

9:15 flight okay, got my own two seat-er. Landed in Dallas. Waited for 30 minutes in a parked plane due to over-grounded planes. Noticed on the way down sky was black outside. And realized there could be storm complications.

9:30am (Central time): Sat down to wait in terminal, another kid (Hispanic) comes up and plays with my pillow (blue squishy one)

10:00am: I waited for an additional 30 minutes before the plane was to take off, saw two other flights cancelled, and found another lady going to Tyler. Called mom and dad to talk and tell I’m safe.

Heard a gate change for Tyler then they informed all planes had been grounded due to weather.

10:30- 11:15: Sat by the ticket counter with same lady and talked to her about flight. Gave airline attendant the numbers had given me for shuttle. All three shuttles had shut down phone systems.

11:15-11:50: Waited and called mom to let them know it was canceled. Called Keith, number didn’t pick up. Called Finney and got through. She informed me there were at least two other Y-ers at Dallas to find them and get on the later flight that they had.

(Flight attendant I talked to said all planes eventually would have to be cancelled. She showed us the most up-to-date version. (Note, no other attendants told us this, and kept ticket holders in the dark until the last plane left the airport. 7:30pm)

11:50am-12:50pm: Waited for another hour praying some one would pop up from Y and spotted a guy walking around with a huge duffle bag. He spotted me at the same time and we both asked each other if we were going to Y! His name is Christian or Chris for short.

1:00pm: Talked about what to do, then he said, why don’t you get on the flight that I’m going to get on.” I went up to a different flight attendant and brought Chris’ ticket with me. The man was from Costa Rica and had an awesome accent. I asked him where he was from and we chatted as he checked the flight. I was praying so hard that I would make it!! The airline attendant looked up with apologetic eyes and said, “Sorry, there are no other seats open. In fact…Wait! One just opened now! Here you are.” He printed off an extra ticket and even put me next to Chris! Called Keith (school leader) and let him know we were safe. He told us to try to find out if the other D students had gotten on another flight. We played with our laptops and showed each other pictures of family.

Went to McDonalds for a meal, cause I was shaking by that time. We chatted over lunch he asked if he could then played with my Squishy pillow (Seems to be a theme here with boys!!) We waited at the gate whilst calling Y for direction and getting the students names so we could page them. We ran into a girl also wandering around and asked if she also was going to Y. She said yes!!! So then Rachel joined our little group. I asked her where she wants to go and she immediately replied China!!! (So far she’s the only other one clearly directed there other than me and Anna)

3:30pm: By now we had added one more to our number, Caeylei, (pronounced Kayla) and we sat in a circle talking and sharing about how we found out about Y. We met an older couple who were also waiting for Tyler flights. He talked about the war, WWII, and about how kids are so uneducated these days. His wife told him to hush and then the flight attendant called to say all flights to Tyler had been canceled until further notice.

: Waited with the group for the last flight, ate supper at McDonalds, and then realized there was no way we were going to get on. Caeylei found out she was on that later flight and then found out she had been bumped off! Called and talked to Y a bunch on my cell phone, my voice started to get lost. Rachel and I took off up an escalator, when we found we would never get on, and then rode the shuttle thing all around Dallas airport to see Texas for the first time. It was beautiful.

6:00pm: Asked many flight attendants if we could get a refund on tickets and spent some time trying to locate all out luggage then also realized we might not see our clothes until tomorrow some time!!!

6:15: Found more -ers and then realized they were leaving us behind because they got on that last flight. We hung out laughing and talking, and my voice suddenly became really bad. It started to strain then fade. The other Y-ers left and we hoped with our bags in cargo hold.

called Y again and had them send a van to get us. We all stayed in small groups and looked around the baggage claim area for the hope that our stuff might have been pulled off the conveyer belt.

12:00am Central time/1:00am Eastern time: Got into the base in the mini-van. We were all asleep on each other, Rachel, Caeylei and I. After I got out of the back of the van, I felt so sick and by this time you could really tell my voice was gone. Went into my room and peeked through the door, got settled and fell asleep.

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