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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Here we are in Iowa!

I have made it to Bluegrass, Iowa and spent a full day with the Beauchamps! The corn fields here are AMAZING, I want to photograph them all day long, and, this morning, I saw a BLACK squirrel. I was stunned. They are bigger than cats. Had no idea if it was a mutant skunk without stripes but I screamed out the window, "What IS that?!" and Rachel said, "Um, haven't you ever seen a black squirrel?" "No way!?" "oh, yes way." I'm still dubious it's actually for real a squirrel.Surprise! Welcome to the USA where culture shock is possible anywhere!

The Plan is: sleep until forever tomorrow morning, wake up with the girls, clean, do laundry, trim hair and nails, help them set up upstairs, and then, watch movies, chat and read together all night long to adjust to China-time!

Loving this China (and Him) filled life! There are so many things we are finding shockingly in common (the Beauchamp's and I). Brian's father actually said I look just like them and could fit in with my long hair, blond/brown color and blue eyes. Amazing how He worked this out, you guys! Just in AWE.

Tomorrow, update with pictures, full on cuteness and a very special story about this morning, at the local elementary school where I helped Maggie with her son's parent/teacher conference.

Love, Tina

1 comment:

The Gracie Girl said...

Tina i am so glad you are there! please be safe and tell page i don't like air planes either. Lots of love :) ~sarah