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Monday, October 09, 2006

2 week check up!

Wow, it's been a whole two weeks since I've been gone. I'm starting to get a tinsy bit homesick, mostly for home cooked meals and my own room. I have three wonderful roommates and we all get along great. The cafeteria food isn't too bad, except I'm kinda getting sick from the grease I'm not used to eating. That all should pass in a couple of weeks. I'm making tons of awesome new friends during our night off times, walking back to class and together times for meals. My schedule is packed though. Most mornings we eat breakfast from 7am to 7:15am and then take off to classes from 8am (or something else) to 12:15pm or so (actual classes). After that we eat lunch then we have a break then more classes. We eat supper then I go to work duty, cleaning the front office, with three other girls in my school. We clean for an hour and a half then we go to what ever happens that particular night. Small group nights are my favorite nights where we go with a couple of girls each to a small group leader's house (one of the base staff). We talk, eat and laugh about whatever came up that week and we tell them anything we happen to need that week. I'm enjoying myself a lot! This is an awesome school!!

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