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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Week 3 and 1/2

Well, I just wanted to say I've been learning so much here. We have an awesome teacher here called Ollie Olson who is basically a walk. I have been so encouraged to read and get more and more into it every day. Today he brought up the place of women in min. We had a great open discussion on it and he handled all the questions expertly. He said that is not about whether or not a woman is capable of teaching a man, but that there is something about a male role model that spurs young boys on to greatness and young girls into submission. He stressed the fact that women can teach and should, but under the correct leadership of a man. wooh. Good stuff.

I'm making more and more friends here but I still miss my old friends!! My good friend Jessie is off on another trip to Peru with her dad and she's enjoying herself there. I miss talking with her. My new friend here just had a cousin die and she's taking it pretty hard. She flew off to the funeral yesterday and won't be back until the weekend. I miss her too.

I feel so comfortable here though, even with missing all my people. It's just like the presence exists here and rests in each of us as we go from place to place. I have such a support system with all the families and friends. I love to hold the babies which are usually sitting up to every end of the tables in the cafeteria.

I let one of my friends borrow my Eric and Leslie Ludy book, When G Writes Your Love Story, and she loves it too!! Yeh! Another Ludy- courtship convert! hehehehee. I've gotten a little used to this fast paced schedule and have been able to relax a bit when I know it's safe.

Well, I'll up-date again soon!~ ME

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